Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Our little Valentino turns One!

Noah celebrated his first birthday with great fanfare on Valentine's Day. He thought the new food group, called chocolate cake, showed great promise for things to come.  But first, a healthy dinner of black beans... 

We discovered that Noah loves beans. (The Morgantown clan must be proud!)

The challenge is finding them.  I finally tracked them down, at $2 a can, at a local vegetable market. They have these cute "green grocers" that sell fresh veggies and some canned goods.  They pack up your purchase in old cardboard boxes.  Every time I go, I feel like we're visiting Mr. Hooper on Sesame Street.

[Random factoid.  Mr. Hooper was Jewish on the show and when he died suddenly of a heart-attack, Children's Television Workshop decided for the first time to address death on Sesame Street.   They aired it on Thanksgiving day, 1983, so families could talk about it.  Apparently it was a very emotional show for the actors (and muppets) and won an Emmy. Read more...]

Cake Time!  (Two candles?  One for good luck!)

This is what comes after baby formula?!  I'm in!

Lucy thought it passable. 
(Then asked for seconds.)

It's a party!

A quick Skype with Grandma Judy and then up for a bath and bed.
(Meet George Jetson! Jane, his wife... )

I can't believe our little guy is one year old.  Time flies, even on an African safari.  xo,

1 comment:

  1. I remember when Mr. Hooper died. I was 5 1/2 and in morning kindergarten, so I watched Sesame Street every day while I was eating lunch after school. That was definitely my first exposure to death and I guess I handled it well since I'm fairly normal now.

    Happy birthday, Noah!
