Monday, March 28, 2011

Games, Tramps, Spaghetti and a Shabbat Dinner thrown in for Good Measure

Hi gang!   Lucy was off from school last week for "fall break" (still sounds funny, but it is getting cooler here), so I skipped out on blogging.

A few random shots from late Feb, early March....

Lucy and Pops play this 6 foot Richard Scarry game that L received from her g'parents for her birthday.  It's a team game where the humans work together to beat the pigs.  Fun stuff.   (Shot taken looking down from our 2nd floor balcony.)

Later that day, a CDC friend from Atlanta, Thu-Ha, was visiting from the States and threw a big "pho" party (Vietnamese noodles... something we have yet to find here) at our friend Peter's house.  Peter's daughter, Ami, and Lucy are the same age and are becoming fast friends.  

Noah enjoyed the noodles and proved to be excellent with chopsticks (putting them in his mouth, at least).  Here he is with our friend Kimberly.

Noodled-out (but ready to be hungry again in an hour), Noah ventured over to the trampoline to see what the big kids were up to.   He quickly showed his SoCal roots and did some surfing moves.

Noah chillaxes with Tammy and Jeff Klausner's kids (Pretoria via San Francisco).

Spaghetti Dinner
Seeing how much he liked noodles, we had a spaghetti dinner on our back porch a few nights later...
(Sorry, Lucy... somehow I was focused on Noah that night.  I think because he reminded me of when you sat in that same chair, eating the same thing and making the exact same [happy] mess that was so fun to clean up.)

 "I've go the whole bowl in my hands..."

 Perhaps next time we could try a puttanesca?

A very short, unplanned video from dinner.  
(Click to view video in YouTube. I think I set the permissions right this time. -Editor)

 After dinner, Noah enjoyed a little spa treatment in the tub.  Then a quick chase to avoid getting dressed.


Shabbat Dinner

The next Friday, we were invited over to the house of some new friends, Elliot and Paul, for a shabbat dinner.  Elliott is a native South African and Paul is from Australia.   They have a crazy dinning room table that seats 14 (!) and it was a lively meal with real (!!) chopped liver.  Lucy and Noah were the only kids, but Noah was a trooper and fell asleep in his pack-n-play at 7:30 and Lucy warmed up quickly to Paul and "helped" serve the ice cream for dessert.

Elliot and friend

 Time to say the prayers?  Just let me finish this pretzel.

Bedtime for Bonzo (and his big sis, too).
[Yes, G'mas... we took them right home to bed!]

The safari team slept in a little bit the next day. xo,


  1. 1. I need that game for Dan--he is obsessed with Richard Scarry.
    2. I believe it's spelled "pho." (:
    3. We say Bedtime for Bonzo too! Is that from a TV show when we were little or something?

  2. Hey L! Just saw this comment. The game is called "Richard Scarry's Busy Town". It's great. The board is over 6 feet long (how can that not be fun?) and the game is a team game: all of you against a group of pigs. Here's an Amazon link...

    Oh, thanks for the pointing out the typo. I always spell that wrong. (I say that like I have reason to type 'pho' all the time.)

    I don't know why I say Bedtime for Bonzo either. It's actually an old movie with... (wait for it)... Ronald Reagan! Must have been something our folks said. (

    Hope you guys are doing well. I just looked at your Easter pics. Very cute (and I agree with the other person... I, too, noticed your nice wood floors. :-) ). Hi to Zach and the 'fam. Any chance you guys are going to be in BFLO this summer? We might be in mid July!

