Thursday, March 17, 2011

Hike around the 'Kloof

One Sunday (March 20th), we took a short hike around the Groenkloof Nature Reserve, which is about 10 minutes from our house.  It has hiking and mountain biking trails, and even some zebra and giraffe wandering about (though we've only spotted the latter from the road while driving by).  No animals today, but we had a nice hike.

Panoramic shot of Groenkloof that I found on the web.  Photo Credit: Aquila

I just learned that Groenkloof is the South Africa's oldest nature reserve, established by President Kruger in 1895. (Supposedly it's the second oldest protected nature sanctuary in the world. Well, I read it on the web, so who knows if it's true.  But it's a beautiful place.)

Noah's favorite game was to throw his hat off while we walk.  
(Yes, G'ma Judy, he was wearing the SPF 100 you sent us.)

The coolest thing to me (and definitely not to Adam) was that there were wild zinnias growing all along the path.  Either people planted them, birds spread their seeds from flowers from a nearby house, or they're native.  I'll have to do some research...  Apparently zinnias are from South America & Mexico, but someone else spotted them and decided they're native.  I doubt it.  (See her blog for more.)

 Noah supported me and looked on with great interest. (Or was he looking for elephants?)

The wandering gardener

A tired and hot Lucy...
but I thought I should post it, lest you thought we left her at home to fend for herself. 
For the other garden geeks: that's wild lantana on the left. And Wikipedia says it's native to Africa and the Americas.

Lucy was happy to see they sold Popsicles by the parking lot.  (I was too.)  xo,

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