Monday, April 4, 2011

Snip, Snip! (Noah's First Haircut)

Even without Grandma Marcia close by, I knew it was time for Noah to get a haircut.  There was much discussion at Playgroup (see Scones...) about who should do the cutting, when the cutting should occur, how short to go, etc.   I finally took him to a salon nearby owned by a very nice Swiss man named Guido (pronounced "Gi-do") who is gay (imagine that) and has lived in SA for 20+ years with his partner.   The salon is part of his house, which is quite common for businesses here.  Lucy takes swimming lessons at a woman's house who has a gigantic teaching pool in her backyard.  (Given the high walls, the neighbors probably don't hear much, but I did get scolded the other day by an elderly Afrikaner woman when I blocked her gate with the car.  Oops.)

 Noah walks in..  Has no idea what is about to occur.

Noah, "Oh, who is this nice woman?  This seems like a nice place."

 Noah, "What are you doing to me?!"  
Let's just say that the little guy was not pleased and cried the whole time. 

 Poor guy!  But we didn't cut it too short.  Soon it was over and he was whisked off to the recovery room (the backyard) to look at the colorful birds Guido has in cages.

Noah is ready to attend the Royal Wedding. (No invite yet... maybe they don't have our new address.)
He seems to have forgotten about the haircut and is back to his old self (i.e., happily dropping food on the floor that he doesn't care to eat).

I took Lucy the following week.  It's a real beauty salon (with a wall of salon chairs and mirrors) and they even washed her hair beforehand.  She loved every second of it!    (Sorry, no pics. Forgot my camera.)   Curious about the price?  80 Rand... ~$11.

The safari is looking its finest and ready for action.  xo,

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