Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Put Those Kids in the Zoo

Apparently kids like animals.  On March 5th, we met Lucy's friend Ami and her dad, Peter Vranken (from Belgium, Jan!), at the Pretoria Zoo.  The kids had been begging to go.  Our friend, Heather Menzies, was in town from Atlanta and joined us.  Heather also did residency with Adam in Seattle, so we've known her for a good while [thinking about Seattle right now... is it raining? Oh, but the mountains and the coffee, and our good friends in perennial Polar Fleece!], and she currently lives in our old 'hood, Lake Claire, AND she's from South Africa, to boot!  She also introduced us to the wonder that is bobotie... a delicious South African dish that Adam's gotten quite good at making. But I digress. Zoo time...

Animals, shmanimals!  First, we hit the kiddie rides.  (What self-respecting zoo doesn't have a slightly rusty Ferris Wheel?)

 Ami and Lucy consider the extinction of the white rhino population while cruising in their MG.

 Future union airline pilots.

Noah does a test drive of the new VW "Rabbit". 

 Meanwhile, Lucy and Ami enjoy a private train ride through the veld...

... where they ran into Simba, taking a cat nap.

 A quick break.  Noah enjoys a Marie biscuit.  (Yes, Dad, they sell them here!)

The rides never stop.   Now we take the cable car (What? Your zoo doesn't have one?) up to the top of the zoo and then wander back down. 

 Heather, Noey, Ad and Peter talk office politics.

Wild Animals
(Yes, someone needs a haircut... foreshadowing alert!)

The safari never ends. xo,

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