Monday, August 29, 2011

School's Out

Hi all,

Somehow I've lost what ever shred of irony I used to have in this blog.  I fear it's become a look-at-my-cute-kids site. Not that the grandparents mind this, but I'll see what I can do to keep things interesting.

Adam's up in Angola this week to talk about flu and flu surveillance with folks there. Here's a map to give some context. (I had to look myself.)  He flew, but I plotted by road to show the distance.

View Larger Map

We're doing OK, but miss the guy.  He comes back Thursday night, hopefully in time for me to hand him the kids and tell him to put them to bed.

Pre-K: Been there, Done that

Time-warping back to early June, Lucy had her last day of Pre-Kindergarten.  

 The kids with birthdays over "winter break" (June-July) had parties in June, so we headed back to Lucy's favorite party-place (Jingle Jangle) probably three times in two weeks.  (She never tired of it. I was ready to tell her it burned down and was turned into a dentist's office.)

 Scary Movie Night (Tinkerbell?)
Noah could care less about the movie, but I was able to get him to sit there long enough to take the shot.  He quickly returned to the floor, where it was easier to gnaw on that flip flop.

Photo Shoot - Last Day of School
She wore her finest shoes. (Last day...Lady's Choice.)

 Our preemie is all grown up.

Dad, are we done now?

 I think my camera was set to manual, so things are a bit grainy.  (But the ISO says it's 400, so if someone knows what I did to cause this, let me know.)

School's Out!  I spot Lucy and her friend, Asha (Canadian), after the final bell rings.

I think Lucy greeted me with, "Can we have ice cream?"

The Safari partied hearty that night.  xo,


  1. You always crack me up (and I know some of my friends read you because they tell me how hilarious they think you are). You're my blogging role model! I can't believe Lucy is so grown up. Dan turns 3 tomorrow and some days I want time to slow down and other days, I'm ready to ship him off to boarding school (is kindergarten too early for that?).

  2. Oh, goodie. I love a contest. Guess the movie being shown. From the looks on the kids' faces, my guess is The Killing Fields. Would you like a little sports update from the states? OK, then, at least act interested. In the first football game of the season, Aaron's Decatur Bulldogs beat North Atlanta 57-0. Lucky for us, Aaron and all of his 110 pounds of lean muscle does not play football. He is, however, practicing with the basketball team. Tryouts are in October and we'll be sure to update you on that. In related news, Grace has decided to try out for her middle school basketball team. We would appreciate your prayers for additional height.

  3. Loving the updates and the pics. I can't believe that Lucy is so big already. I suppose Orly is not far behind.
